PlaybookBuilder helps teams stay in the loop with a robust suite of communication tools. PlaybookBuilder’s campaign function allows you to set triggers for emails or SMS texts that allow you to automate connections. Simply draft your email or SMS text and set the parameters. Communications
Stay Connected
Help your team stay connected.
Automations to make your life simpler.
Automation Process
Connect with automated communication.
1. Add Users
Onboard new users.
2. Send Email
Set up communications in a click.
3. Follow-Up Email
Create automations for campaigns.
4. Automation Complete
Sit back and relax!
Quick and Simple
Create and connect with a click.
Alerts enable content creators to push out text or email blasts with content links to specific training assets. Reach a single user, a team of users, or the entire company.
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Triggers = Freedom
Want to drive adoption with training but don’t have the time to micromanage it? Set an automated reminder for users who haven’t been in the software in a while and never have to remind them again.