Join us for our Live Online Training series, designed to support both current PlaybookBuilder admins and those new to the platform. These live, group sessions are 60-min long and repeat each month, so you can join as few or as many as you’d like, whenever you like, or come to a single session multiple times. Our goal is to make the process of creating Playbooks easy for you! Join Our Program
Let’s Make the Process Easy!
What to expect
During each workshop in the series, we will be covering topics that we know are of interest to you.
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& Capabilities
Kayla Pospisil
Success Director
Meet Kayla
Get to Know Your Workshop Coach
Kayla is a Playbook Building expert. With over a decade of experience in process-planning, playbook-building, and coaching team members on best practices, Kayla is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and encouraging her clients to gain confidence and capability, increasing both satisfaction and ROI.