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Strategic Coach

Our integrator spent nine years working as a program advisor at the Strategic Coach and now has hundreds of members and coaches as clients. We have a special love and respect for Dan and Babs and a foundational alignment with Coach principles.

If you’re in the Coach program looking for a game changing solution, we get it.


As clients and fans of EOS, we’re a welcomed solution for your implementor, integrator, and visionary. Beyond onboarding new hires, consider Playbook Builder as the gateway to your process documentation and Followed By All growth needs.

If you’re a fan of EOS, let’s talk V/TO and how we can help.


Michael’s vision was the impetus for PlaybookBuilder. E-Myth thinking is a cornerstone of what we believe and strive to support. If you love process maps, you’re going to love our PlaybookBuilder organizational flows.

Let’s talk about baking pies and improving things in your business.

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