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Drive Engagement

It’s team ENGAGEMENT stupid!

Political Strategist for Bill Clinton, James Carville said “it’s the economy, stupid!” in 1992 when directing his campaign team on where to focus.  It became a catchphrase that grew to legendary status.  You might have heard it.  The phrase draws it’s power from the idea

Core Process Work: Where to get started?

Ok you’re charged up.  You’re ready to tackle the processes in your organization once and for all.  It’s time.  You’re motivated.  The team is motivated.  But…where in the heck do we start?  Which one goes first? I’ve had this conversation hundreds of times with Integrators

How to Design a Unique Client Experience

Differentiation through client experience design offers you a significant advantage.  Especially for highly-commoditized products and services!  In this blog, I’ll outline what I know. For twenty years we’ve been closely aligned with the foremost entrepreneur coaching company in the US, CAN and the UK.  Those