Wondering where to get started with your Process Project? We can help. This tool will help you organize and prioritize the processes you need to tackle. Determine the right processes to tackle for each stage of your Critical Path. And then define the right measurement for each and the target number. Determine who’s the right person for each part of your Playbook project. This SME tool will help you rank the right person with the right topics and save you a lot of time. Looking to help your more nervous Subject Matter Experts? We can help. This simple outline tool will help your SME become confident and hit their points Interviewing a subject matter expert is easy once you know a few tricks. Shorten you’re learning curve with this simple outline. Video is an incredible tool for communication and training unless YOU get overwhelmed by it. Not to worry – we’ll help you tackle video easily with this guide. Tools for Capturing Wisdom
These guides are FREE and available for download
Looking to create an incredible Playbook?
Getting Started - Playbook Priority Tool
Critical Path Priority Tool
Subject Matter Expert Selection Guide
Subject Matter Expert Scripting Tool
Subject Matter Expert Interviewing Guide
Video 101 Guide
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